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Update!:: 20-Mask (D.N Angel)#5 is out now!!!!!

Click To Read My Quizzes!

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Hello!!! Nothing muc to say here! Erm...testing 1 2 3 perhaps? Lolx...


My Idol Writer For Yu Yu Hakusho Quiz Series! Distantdawn!

Very Funky Yu Yu Hakusho and Yu-Gi-Oh Quizzes!

Cool Yu Yu Hakusho Series!

Kawaii Shaman King quizzes!

Really Awesome Saiyuki Quiz Series!

Cool Fruit Basket story!

Most enjoyable Yu-Gi-Oh quizzes!

10 Things You want To Ask About Hiei!!!

Q:Hey Hiei, your one of my favorite Yu Yu characters with Kurama. I just wanted to know, how come you never stay and talk with Yukina? She seems all sweet and she really seems to want to meet you. That and how do you control the Dragon of Darkness Flame? I’m a big on learning techniques for fighting sorry ^_^ See ya ~Huil

A: The way I control it is by focusing my spirit energy and simply deceiving the dragon. To answer your second question, She is NOT my sister, and If she was, it is no business of yours.

Q: You’re a demon, aren't you? ~Pulls out sword, and powers up~ I'm kind of a demon myself... Want to fight? ~Rath Illuser

A: Heh, a fight over the computer. Yes. We'll type hits and in the end we can type each other words of consolment.

Q: Does Kurama have a girlfriend (I want to know because so many people think you guys are gay) ~Kevin

A: Heh, Kurama wouldn't know what "gay" was if it fell out of the sky and hit him in the head. Kurama is still single; we all intend to keep it that way.

Q: Hiei, you may think that I am just another crazed fan-girl, but I'm not. I am going through some troubles right now. My father is very sick and half of my grandmother's foot was amputated recently. I barely listen to my calmer music anymore. All I listen to is depressing music like Linkin Park. You've made it through hard times, how did you cope with it all? Sincerely, Black Rose ~Black Rose

A: I lived.

Q: What would you do in your spare time? ~Mantera

A: I don't know... I'll sleep.

Q: How old are you? ~Steph

A: If you guess right, I'll give you something... A slit in the throat.

Q: Hiei, if you ever fell in love... what sort of girl/guy would you want to fall for? ~Shannon

A: That's for me to know, and you to never find out.

Q: If you do not like to answer all these lame ass questions, why do it if you could be slitting someone's throat or finding some way to rip Kuwabara’s intestine out of his mouth. Truthfully, I like the way you act and I'll keep this short: Why fight by Kurama's side after (and I have proof) he admitted he was gay. ~deathly confused

A: I can't slit anyone's throat because Koenma banned me from doing it, same goes the Kuwabara thing. And I fight by Kurama's side because its better then being his enemy, and how the hell do you have proof when it's not true?!

Q: I guess you are like every other demon that is stuck up then huh?~Steph


Q: Hiei, I have but two questions to ask you. One, does it get *really* frustrating whenever you see some sort of question directing to your relationship with Kurama and as well as the "OOHHHHH SO CUTEEE, etc., etc." Number two. I must know even if this is silly, how DOES your hair stand up? ~shadowwolfgirl

A: One, yeah. Two, because my father's did, so it's in my blood.

10 Things You want To Ask About Kurama (Shunichi)!!!

Q: Kurama, I need help with my (older) brother. He bugs the living crap out of me (big shocker there), anyway, I've been thinking that if he would get himself a girlfriend then he won't bug me that much anymore. But there's one problem...he's X-tremely shy. (Note: Over 15 girls already told me he's soooo cute!! I think he's ugly though.) Anyway, do you have any tips/tricks for me/him to use to make him hook up with a girl! Thx! ~FoxyKitsuneGrl

Q: Maybe your brother needs to just find someone he likes, with out interference. What you’re doing may have nice intentions, but he needs to find some one he likes, not you.

Q: It's probably a stupid question but, would you ever play an instrument? ~Too Damn Shy

A: I do know how to play the guitar for the Yu Yu Hakusho CDs, but other than that, I spend my time doing otherwise.

Q: *bows again*I'm sorry to bother you again Kurama but I have another question if that’s alright with you if you where to meet a half demon girl(the human realm) what would you do? ~Miyoko

A: I would say 'Hello', and go about my business, but follow her because she might be up to no good.


A: Aah.

Q: How long is your hair??? ~Karu

A: Down to my back.

Q: Konichiwa Kurama-san, This is a silly question but do you have any gardening tips I can use? Maybe how I can get my roses to blossom bigger or have a color variety? I would also like to know if you will ever tell your mom about you being a demon. Haven’t you ever wanted to tell her? Has it almost slipped out once or twice? Sorry for taking up some of your time Kurama-san. Arigatou ~Huil

A: Yeah, water your plants twice a day, and if you love them, and talk to them every day, they'll grow bigger for you, and last longer. No, I wouldn't... because she might have a heart attack... No, it hasn't almost slipped out ever.

Q: Kurama why are you so calm in battles? ~41E1

A: Because there's nothing to get nervous about.

Q: Dearest Kurama (or rather Suichi) I would like to know if you can actually permantantly switch forms to that of your 'old self'. I understand why you wouldn't but I find that a topic of interest for myself. I also wish to know whether you have plans to ever reenter - if only for a short while - the Makai. Your humble neko youkai, Mitsu-Akiko ~Mistu-Akiko

A: I... probably wouldn't, because of I need to protect my mother.

Q: You SO have the hots for Hiei. Don't lie to me. ~Jackie~Jackie

A:I do not.

Q: You never do curse, do you? Unless you do when everyone were not around. If you do say something. ~siyue

A: Yes, I swear.

No Problem!

Credits to My Pixel Melody.com


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Quizzes I've Take!

Soft Spoken.You are very Content and have trouble opening up to people. You can't tell people things and you hate being alone.
Soft Spoken.You are very Content and have trouble
opening up to people. You can't tell people
things and you hate being alone.

What type of Anime girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Daisuke Niwa www.chainreaction.cjb.net

What Character from D.N. Angel are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

nature girl
You are a nature loving anime girl.You love all
types of animals and care for them.You are a
calm person and loves to have people around.You
love to be outside just admiring your
surroundings and playing with the animals that
are around.Now just if you keep loving the
nature pretty soon everyone is going to copy
you maybe i'm really not sure.But do what you
do best and it will soon pay off ^_^

If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only)
brought to you by Quizilla

The guy you want is probaly the popular guy in
your school. Which is great to me:) He's so
dreamy that you'll want him to notice you so
badly your do anything. Like in the cafateria
you'ld trip on something infront of him to make
your food spill all over you!!! Even if it's a
brand new shirt or your favourite skirt!!! Oh
well at least he'll notice you:)

Who's Perfect For You??? (Cute Anime Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

He likes to be by himself a lot, but don't let that scare you off. He has a very caring soul and he will always love you from the bottom of his heart! And if your friends start
He likes to be by himself a lot, but don't let that
scare you off. He has a very caring soul and he
will always love you from the bottom of his
heart! And if your friends start telling you
hes not your type, ignore them or laugh in
their faces. You are the key to unlock that
heart of his^^.

What kind of boyfriend would you have?(with pics and obviously for girls^^)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your ordinary. You don't care if people think your
weird or not pretty. You just want everyone to
know your not a creep. Your just yourself which
makes you cool in a cool way:)

What Type Of Girl Are You???(Amazing Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla


Which Mythical Being Resides In You?
brought to you by Quizilla

The Hero!

What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

You have a Calm Soul! Being calm and cool is what
you do best. You collected thoughts and always
positive attitude make you very bright and
logical. When theres a problem, you know how to
approach it, and solve it. Your friends rely on
you on their problems, and your shoulder for
their crying. You are peaceful, and enjoy
nature and freedom. You rarely get angry and
hardly scream, which makes you good with kids.
You seem to be in tune with the world and if
anything goes wrong, you always bounce back.

What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
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You are a Samurai.
You are full of honour and value respect. You
are not really the stereotypical hero, but you
do fight for good. Just in your own way. For
you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil
person, if it is for justice and peace. You
also don't belive in mourning all the time and
think that once you've hit a bad stage in life
you just have to get up again. It's pointless
to concentrate on emotional pain and better to
just get on with everything. You also are a
down to earth type of person and think before
you act. Impulsive people may annoy you

Main weapon: Sword
Quote: "Always do the right thing.
This will gratify some people and astonish the
rest" -Mark Twain
Facial expression: Small smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures + detailed answeres]
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Guys just love...how shy and sweet you are!

What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3)
brought to you by Quizilla

~You have an innocent soul~

What Kind Of Anime Soul Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your anime expression is sleepy!

What's Your Anime Expression?
brought to you by Quizilla

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